I meant that title in the way Jackie Gleason used to say when he was beginning his variety show long ago, as I'm beginning a new chapter in a new blog. But it also immediately struck me how fitting it is as I wanted to make this first entry about our current political climate and the Republican choice for Vice President, Sarah Palin'small.
Away we go. Call me an extremist, but if McCain wins then away our country may go. Certainly away will go many civil rights for women (and yes animals, though I know that makes conservatives roll their eyes as so many couldn't give a steaming pile of wolf shit about wolves.)
So many in the Religious Right overlook that passage in their precious book that commands "be stewards of the Earth." They prefer the one where God says to Adam "I give you dominion" which they interpret as "do whatever you want, abuse and/or kill whatever you want, burn it, rip it, shoot it, waste it. Then I'll give you Heaven and we'll see how you can fuck that up too!"
And Sarah is a prime example of that attitude.
I'm not going to come right out and say I'm against drilling for oil or natural gas in Alaska. I understand that neither side of our government will ever force Detroit and the like to switch to alternative fuels, no matter how much sense it makes. The auto industry holds both parties by the short and curlies and they call the shots. The sad thing is I guarantee ever CEO and board member of every car company knows that they're driving us head on into a brick wall at 60 mph, and yet they refuse to hit the breaks, throw her in reverse, and take a new road because they worry that burning out the brake pads will be more costly right now, then smashing into that wall and blowing up the whole damn car later. It's laziness and greed, which I hope leads to a priority seating in Hell much more than plain ol' ignorance (which I give them too much credit to call them ignorant - they know what they do, so Father please don't forgive the bastards!)
And in the same vein how can women call Sarah Palin a champion for women??? It would be like dressing a hungry wolf up in white wool and calling it a champion for sheep. Women, she will tear your throats out if elected. But then again, I've never understood how so many women in this world seem to volunteer their throats to these beasts. I am against abortion as birth control, if you got in the situation of sound mind and body, then you should be bound to see it through. Unless your already a burden on the system in which case I'm all in favor of government sanctioned sterilization. But I don't care how deep your religious convictions run, to deny a woman who has been raped (that encompasses incest, savvy?) the right to have the demon's seed aborted is cruel and disgusting and you can get in line with the aforementioned auto-industry execs. Your a traitor to your gender and your species. Let that unborn baby get the Get Out of Jail Free card and send it right up to Heaven.
Don't force a woman to spend a lifetime in Hell, not when she's already feeling like she's there. Especially when you love blocking the door to the clinic, but you're never standing at the door of the hospital, willing to kick in and help raise and support the kids. Hypocrisy is the original sin.
Let's move past the religious, moral arguments because those who support her for being "Pro-Life" (which is a joke because to be pro-life would mean to be pro every one making their own choices) will never change your minds, no matter how silly their fairy tale convictions.
Let's talk about her abuses of power. How she spent millions to overturn the ban on . . . I can barely stand to type this . . . Aerial hunting of wolves! Something the citizen's of Alaska already said they did not want. It's sport killing. No one, least of which Sarah Palin is eating wolf meat. Therefore there is no true justification except the enjoyment of putting a bullet in a living thing and letting it bleed to death in the snow, after emotionally torturing it first. This is what you "good Christians" want to teach your children??? If so do me a favor, put on a wolf suit and run in front of them. And once you've ingrained in them this lack of respect for life (other than that which is unborn of course) how long before they get bored with just shooting wolves?
How about her initial support of spending millions of tax-payer money on the infamous Bridge to Nowhere, which of course she suddenly backed off on when it came to light?
How about her firing the librarian of her small town library once she was Mayor because the woman refused to ban books? Books people! Knowledge is power, and Sarah wants to be only powerful one around. Thank God the people of Wassila revolted and forced her to reinstate the poor librarian who had the balls to stand up for literature and culture though it meant her livelihood.
And then as Governor we've all heard about her attempt to have a State Trooper fired after he divorced her sister. And then she fired the brother-in-law's boss because he wouldn't do something so asinine (and illegal!)
Not too mention her low-road, low rent, racist speech at the RNC. She's smug, she's dirty, and she is just plain nasty in her speech and rhetoric. She can toss that handicapped baby around all she wants. She's a thief, a liar, an abuser of power, and has no place any where near the White House - not even on the tour! I know the same can be said about all politicians, but she's even worse by being so smug and so certain that by being a woman she's secured this election for the Republicans and doesn't even have to hide her true colors. And sadly she doesn't even realize, the Republican party doesn't care about her. They only picker her because she's woman. They knew they needed something to fight against the black candidate, and the woman that held so many undecided votes. It's actually patronizing and Sarah Palin should be offended, except she's too narcissistic to admit it.
And yet I see all these conservatives saying, and I quote, "Sarah Palin Rocks!"
This is what you want one heartbeat from the Presidency?
I like, and more importantly I respect John McCain. I am grateful for his sacrifice to this country, especially in another war we should have stayed out of. And I believe he might even make an okay President. I was actually undecided until the night I heard Sarah Palin give that now famous speech of hers. That sent me running for zee hills of Obama-land. A place where the belief in civil liberties and diplomacy might still exist.
And I've seen a number of bumper stickers, shirts, etc. that retort her infamous "slam" . . . "A mayor is like a community organizer, yadda yadda" with the oh-so delicious response "Jesus was a Community Organizer. Pontius Pilate was a Governor."
A more fitting comparison I've never seen.
When we erect our glorious new coliseum, and release those big hungry cats into the arena, I hope they let me personally toss Mrs. Palin right over the wall to my feline friends. Bring back the lions!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
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